If you are a typical business customer, you would be most likely be using a Telephone system. If your telephone system uses traditional copper telephone lines, due to the roll out of the NBN, we would like to let you know that a change is coming your way.
Introducing Tactical Business SIP
What is SIP?
A SIP Trunk is a simple term given to a protocol the delivers a Phone line connection over the internet (VOIP). Our SIP trunks can be connected to your existing phone system or onto a new phone system and provide your office with fixed line phone services. Buy as many as needed. You can keep your existing numbers by porting them to our platform. We handle this process end to end.
What makes Tactical SIP different to the rest?
Tactical Business SIP is secure and is designed for those customers who require the assurance that the phone calls over the internet are safe and reliable. That’s why Trusted Business Solutions wraps our service with a team of experts to provide managed services for our clients.
In fact, there are many sip service providers, but few are comparable to us in regard to security and reliability because Trusted has invested in highly trained staff required to give assurance to its customers that they are in safe hands.
By connecting this way Trusted can provide a safe method of calling over the internet.